The Catholic Archdiocese of Perth recognises its responsibility in relation to the abuse of children in its care.

The Catholic Church in Australia is served by the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference which is the permanent collegial assembly of the Bishops of Australia.

Creating a safe Church is a dynamic process that involves active participation and responsibility by all leaders, clergy, church workers and the wider church community including parents and families. The Archdiocese is committed to making this possible through collaboration, vigilance and proactive approaches across legislation, policies, procedures and practices.

Vos Estis Lux Mundi (VELM)

Issued by Pope Francis on 7th May 2019 and became effective law from 1 June 2019. This mandates that all clerics and religious have an obligation to report to their ecclesiastical authority whenever they have "notice of, or well-founded motives to believe that" sexual abuse by a cleric or religious or cover-up has been committed.

VELM is an indication of the seriousness with which Pope Francis is seeking to bring about change in the way allegations are managed, to provide care for complainants of abuse, and to ensure accountability on the part of Church leaders. For further information please visit the Catholic Australia website

The Western Australian dioceses, which include Broome, Bunbury, Geraldton and Perth are committed to protecting children and adults from abuse or harm.

The options available for reporting abuse:

  • Notify Police - You can report the abuse to the Western Australia Police Force (WAPOL) by calling 13 44 44.
  • Direct Pastoral Approach – You can contact the Provincial Professional Standards Office (WAPSO), your nearest Diocesan Safeguarding Office or a Parish or Agency Safeguarding Officer.
  • National Redress Scheme – You can submit an application to the National Redress Scheme.
  • Civil compensation – You can speak with a lawyer on how to take civil action against the responsible institution or Church Entity.

The National Redress Scheme

The National Redress Scheme provides acknowledgement and support to people who experienced institutional child sexual abuse.

All four Western Australian dioceses voluntarily joined the National Redress Scheme (The Scheme). Their participation is an important step towards enabling and encouraging people who may have experienced abuse to consider applying for redress.

The Scheme is set up as an alternative to court-ordered compensation and enables the WA Dioceses to provide redress to people who experienced child sexual abuse at any of the relevant institutions they were responsible for.

How to apply

Applications to the Scheme can be made via an online or paper form.

The Scheme was launched on 1 July 2018.  It is intended to operate for 10 years and applications can be made any time before 30 June 2027.

Through the Scheme, people who have experienced child sexual abuse can get access to:

  • counselling
  • a redress payment, and
  • a direct personal response from the institution (e.g. an apology).

 Seeking an alternative pathway

If you need to report an allegation or concern about a matter pertaining to a Catholic entity, whether it be a diocese or a religious institute, you can contact either:

  • The responsible Church Authority/entity directly.

    The National Response Protocol (NRP) is employed by all Catholic Church Authorities in Australia to respond to concerns and allegations of contemporary or historical child abuse.

    The main purpose of the NRP is to provide a framework for Church entities to offer a consistent response to children and adults who have been subjected to child abuse by Church personnel. Church personnel include clerics and religious, employees and volunteers, currently or previously associated, with a Church Authority or entity. The implementation of the NRP from 1st February 2021 prompts the phasing out of the previous Towards Healing protocol that had been in operation since 1996. 

    Click here to view the National Response Protocol.

    The implementation and continuous review of the NRP is now the responsibility of Australian Catholic Safeguarding Ltd (ACSL).  Their role is to help Catholic entities and organisations create and maintain a safe and nurturing environment for all who engage with the Catholic Church in Australia. ACSL do this by providing a range of professional services and resources. For further information please visit the Australian Catholic Safeguarding Ltd website: Australian Catholic Safeguarding Ltd

    All forms of professional misconduct or unprofessional behaviour that fall outside of the scope of child abuse are covered by the Code of Canon Law, Safeguarding policies and procedures, and National Catholic Safeguarding Standards (NCSS). This may include adults at risk, reporting pastoral incompetence or financial improprieties, adults who may have been subjected to professional misconduct, adult boundary violations or breaches of the National Code of Conduct.  

    Our Common Mission is for everyone involved in Catholic ministry and service.

    Our Common Mission - is grounded in a strengths-based approach to safeguarding and integrity.

    Published October 2022

    Integrity in Our Common Mission - National Code of Conduct for those exercising pastoral ministry in the dioceses of the Catholic Church in Australia 

    Published on November 2023


  • The WA Professional Standards Office (WAPSO)

    WAPSO is responsible for coordinating an effective response to historical complaints of abuse made against personnel of the Catholic Church in the Province of Western Australia, as required by the National Response Protocol (NRP) for Church Authorities in Australia.

    The National Response Protocol underpins all aspects of the response of the Province of Western Australia which reinforces the National Catholic Safeguarding Standards.

    WAPSO, while an office of the Catholic Church, exercises functional independence in order to run the church-based complaint process. WAPSO serves as a point of contact for survivors and offers support and assists them in seeking a response from the responsible Church Entity.

    WAPSO continues to:

    • Assist adult survivors who have been subjected to historical child abuse including sexual, physical, psychological, neglect, ill-treatment and exploitation.
    • Report all sexual abuse allegations to the WA Police Force.
    • Remain strongly committed to environments that are safe and supportive.

      Provincial Director:       Mrs Saxon Gee

      Address:                             29 Victoria Square PERTH WA 6000 Australia

      Phone:                                 (08) 9221 7762 or 1800 072 390



  • Safeguarding Office.

    The Catholic Archdiocese of Perth has a moral, spiritual and legal obligation to safeguard everyone in the church community and is, therefore, committed to the development of a culture of safety which is defined by transparency and accountability. The Safeguarding office continues to work to achieve a culture that is safe, inclusive and respectful for all.

    Safeguarding has a zero tolerance for any behaviour that puts the wellbeing of people in the Catholic community at risk including bullying, sexual harassment or assault, and works with the Church Entity to ensure that all people in the Catholic Church's care have appropriate protection and support. We must support those who have experienced abuse to the best of our ability.

    You can complete an online Safeguarding Concern Report Form (hyperlink) to report abuse, a concern about the well-being of a child or adult or a safeguarding incident within the Catholic Archdiocese of Perth.

    All concerns, allegations or complaints will be taken seriously and treated with sensitivity. Matters will be acted on in accordance with the Archdiocesan Privacy Policy and with moral, ethical and legal obligations. For further information please visit the Safeguarding website 

    Director:                             Mrs Barbara Blayney

    Address:                             29 Victoria Square PERTH WA 6000 Australia

    Phone:                                 (08) 9221 7762 or 1800 072 390



If you need immediate assistance, please contact:

Beyond Blue: 1300 22 4636 13

Yarn: 13 92 76

Lifeline: 13 11 14 1800

Respect: 1800 737 732

Suicide Call Back Service: 1300 659 467

MensLine: 1300 78 99 78


In an emergency call Triple Zero (000)

For further information on professional standards and how the Church is responding, you can also follow or subscribe to Catholic News by visiting CATHNEWS