
The Archdiocesan Screening and Monitoring Policy is designed to uphold our commitment to the National Catholic Safeguarding Standards, ensuring appropriate personnel with the necessary expertise are involved in Church activities to safeguard the well-being of children, young people, and adults at risk.

Adhering to and diligently observing the requirements set within this Policy is essential to ensuring a safe and trusted environment for the Perth Catholic and wider community to engage with our Church. On this page, Archdiocesan parishes and agencies can access comprehensive documentation, checklists and guides to be able to meet the requirements set in the Policy.

The Archdiocesan Screening and Monitoring Policy provides clear guidance to Clergy, Religious, Seminarians and Church Workers (paid and unpaid) regarding screening requirements for all church roles.

Please see below for more information for the roles and responsibilities of Safeguarding Program Office, Parish Priests, Agency Directors and CAPAC People and Culture Manager in managing the screening of staff and church workers paid and unpaid.

Screening and Monitoring Policy Documents & Resources

Please find below the most current version of the Screening and Monitoring Policy, along with relevant resources to support the requirement for every identified group within the Archdiocese (see below) to meet the screening requirements.

Roles and responsibilities: Safeguarding Program Office

The Safeguarding Program Office will manage the screening of Clergy and Religious working within the Archdiocese. The Office does this directly with the Clergy and Religious. Get in touch with the Office for questions.

Roles and responsibilities: Office of the Vicar General

The Office of the Vicar General will manage the screening of visiting Clergy, Religious and Laity to the Archdiocese. More information on this can be found via our Archdiocese of Perth website.


Roles and responsibilities: Parish Priests

Parish Priests will manage the screening of church workers paid and unpaid. Please find below step-by-step checklist to ensure all screening requirements are conducted for your parish by 1 August 2024, in line with the updated Screening and Monitoring Policy.


Roles and responsibilities: Agency Directors

Agency Directors will manage the screening of church workers paid and unpaid. Please find below step-by-step checklist to ensure all screening requirements are conducted for Archdiocesan agencies by 1 August 2024, in line with the updated Screening and Monitoring Policy.


Roles and responsibilities: Archdiocesan People and Culture and Staff 

The CAPAC Head of People and Culture will manage the screening of all Archdiocesan staff. Please find below step-by-step checklist to ensure all screening requirements are conducted for Archdiocesan staff  by 1 August 2024, in line with the updated Screening and Monitoring Policy.